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UK Qualifiers Day 8 - The Whirlwind Rages

UK Qualifiers Day 8 - The Whirlwind Rages

It's the 8th and final day of competition in the 12BET.com UK Championship qualifiers and we found out who would complete the final line-up at the International Centre, Telford. The most popular player through has to be Jimmy White who stormed past Joe Perry. Also through was the Darling Of Dublin, Ken Doherty.

Jimmy White


Jimmy White already had an amazing week, beating Adam Wicheard 9-1 and Adrian Gunnell 9-4, but he topped it off today. He was 6-2 over Gentlemen Joe Perry going into the interval, but once play resumed Joe stepped up another gear, coming back to only 7-6 behind. But Jimmy didn't falter after that and took the next two frames to win 9-6. He has already had the best season in years, getting to the final 32 of the World Open and a PTC semi-final but reaching the final 32 of the UK championship is the icing on the cake. He now faces arch-rival Stephen Hendry in Telford on Sunday at 12.30, it's gonna be a cracker!


Ken Doherty


Another fan favourite and tour veteran to make it through is the Darling Of Dublin Ken Doherty. He faced a tough match in the form of Rod Lawler who beat Anthony Hamilton 9-3 in the previous round. At one point Rod was 7-6 ahead, but in true Irish style, Ken dug in and took three frames on the bounce to win the match 9-7. He will have his hands full with his Telford opponent, Scotland's Stephen Maguire. Both players have experienced reasonable success on the PTC tour, Stephen slightly more by reaching two finals, it will be a tough match to call. They play at 12.30 on Saturday with the winner playing either Mark Selby or Ricky Walden who narrowly qualified, beating China's Liu Chuang 9-8 from 8-7 down.

The biggest winner today was English pro Patrick Wallace who pushed aside the seeded player Mike Dunn with the greatest of ease, winning 9-1. Patrick now faces the second biggest match of his career against EPTC2 champion Shaun Murphy in Telford. One of the shocks today came in the form of bearded player Rory McLeod. Not being the fastest player he seemed to have worn down Liang Wenbo and in the end Rory romped home to a comfortable 9-6 victory. He has it all against him in Telford though as he faces World Champion, World Open Champion and World No.1 Neil Robertson on Saturday afternoon. Rory isn't known for playing well in front of television cameras, can he silence his critics and put in a good show?


Full Results:

Joe Perry 6-9 Jimmy White

Mark Davis 9-7 Joe Swail

Andrew Higginson 9-6 Dominic Dale

Liang Wenbo 6-9 Rory McLeod

Mike Dunn 1-9 Patrick Wallace

Ryan Day 9-5 Jamie Burnett

Barry Hawkins 9-3 Fergal O’Brien

Stuart Bingham 9-4 Peter Lines

Ken Doherty 9-7 Rod Lawler

Ricky Walden 9-8 Liu Chaung


Final 32 Matches:

Ding Junhui v Matthew Stevens
Mark Allen v Tom Ford
Marco Fu v Barry Hawkins
Ronnie O’Sullivan v Stuart Bingham
Stephen Maguire v Ken Doherty
Mark Selby v Ricky Walden
Graeame Dott v Martin Gould
John Higgins v Stephen Lee

Ali Carter v Mark Joyce
Jamie Cope v Judd Trump
Stephen Hendry v Jimmy White
Mark Williams v Mark Davis
Shaun Murphy v Patrick Wallace
Mark King v Ryan Day
Peter Ebdon v Andrew Higginson
Neil Robertson v Rory McLeod


Draw, format and order of play can be found at World Snooker.

Posted Dec 2, 2010
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