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Ladbrokes Mobile Masters - Day 2 Photos & Videos

Ladbrokes Mobile Masters - Day 2 Photos & Videos

Here are my exclusive event photos and videos taken from this year's Ladbrokes Mobile Masters at Wembley Arena, London.

http://tinyurl.com/Ladbrokes-Masters-2011 - Photos from the event (If you can't see them you either need a Facebook account or you need to "like" the Maximum Snooker Facebook group)

http://www.youtube.com/user/MaximumSnooker?feature=mhum#g/c/249AE41B4D863B24 - Videos on the YouTube channel (don't forget to subscribe and add you favourites!)

Event report to come soon!

(And yours truly on Eurosport! http://i51.tinypic.com/t8ln3k.png)

Steve at Wembley with Masters Trophy

Posted Jan 11, 2011
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